
July 27, 2015


  1. Price
  2. This is important to pay attention that not all product which has bigger size will has cheaper price than small one, moreover more expensive or same price.
     Check this out!

    80 ml
    Rp 91.6
    80 ml vs 170 ml   Rp 91.6 x 170 = Rp 15.572

    15.572-15.900 =Rp -328 (Loss)
    170 ml
    Rp 93.5
    Size 170 ml is 2 x more than 340 ml so x 2
      Rp 15.900 x 2 = Rp 31.800

    Ratio 170 vs 340 -> 31.800 - 29.675 = Rp 2.125 (the best profit if buy the biggest one)
    340 ml
    Rp 87.3
    80 ml vs 340 ml -> 340 : 80 x Rp 7.325 = Rp 31.131

    Rp 31.131 - Rp 29.675 = Rp 1.456 (Profit)

    1. Price one of merk shampo on July 2015 at one of Supermarket.

  3. Size
  4. If one product in different sizes (small & bigger) have same price. I prefer to buy the bigger which usually has cheaper price or if the price as same as small one(2x more). The consideration is reduce waste, so it means that we save our world.

  5. Consumtion
  6. There is people who prefer buy with small size because if buy bigger size it lean to lavish. But some people will buy the bigger because no need to go to market few times, so it means also saving your money for parking fee  and gasoline :) Everyone has own habit.

  7. Do you have money or not?
  8. Doesn't matter if we chose to buy the biggest size of product, but if we have money for that. But if you think that one/two week later, you will have no more money to eat (ooohhh how pity youuuuuu how pity meeee ) so no need to insist to buy the biggest. Choose the small size.

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